Sunday, May 20, 2007

Feral Cat

My Tree Kitty
Stray cats are not a problem where I live. I might see a cat for a few days before the coyotes........
The first time I saw this kitty was in late November and he was sleeping in the tree. He would not come down until after daylight. I have been feeding him for six months and still can not get within six feet of him. He hunts in the field in front of the house. But I guess he has found a better sleeping spot because he no longer sleeps in my tree.


Bobbie said...

He looks a lot like my Star. But she is a very loving and trusting Kitty who came to me from a very sad background where she had a litter of kittens when she was just a kitten herself. She was skinny as a rail and with all that long hair she looked more like a "Spike" than a "Star". Now she lives up to her name and is every but as beautiful as the well fed Feral!

Debi said...

Tree Kitty looks very healthy for a feral cat. Amazing that he has lasted so long, must be really smart too to outwit the coyotes.

Antigone said...

I sure could use that kitty here. After losing out kitty "Big", we have a major problem with mice. I never knew how much she helped out around here. We have a new little boy kitten but I don't know how much of a micer he will be.