Thursday, July 5, 2007

Bullock's Oriole - Seeing Double


Mom said...


Bobbie said...

I love your photos of this bird. I love the bright cheery colors. We get the Orchard Oriole here and I have seen it only once.

Debi said...

You have to tell your friend Debi how much you love her for being the first to tell you you had something special when you got the first Oriole, and for telling you that they like oranges.

And Debi will tell you how much she loves you for being such a patient photographer, for being clever in adding grapes, and for creating that rare Oriole Oasis there.

:) LOVE THESE PICS! I don't know why, but I also love the way the grapes look all in a row like that.

Hannah's Mom said...

The grapes... oranges... I wonder if peaches would attract birds? :) Hannah and I are going to have to do this today. Brilliant!!

I love your photos!